KV-Titan :: Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation and Toho Titanium form joint venture which will integrate EB Furnace supplied by our Company.
Section:  KV-Titan Ltd. / News / Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation and Toho Titanium form joint venture which will integrate EB Furnace supplied by our Company.
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation and Toho Titanium Co Ltd with the objective of responding to the growing demand for titanium alloy products for aerospace, have agreed to establish and operate a joint venture to produce titanium ingots (intermediate products), on a commission basis, and have entered into a joint venture agreement. For the production of titanium-alloy ingots for aerospace applications, a most appropriate setup is considered to be a combination of two kinds of furnaces, one being the EB (electron beam) furnace, which is very advantageous in raw materials selection, permitting the use of a great variety of scrap, and the other being the VAR (vacuum arc remelting ) furnace capable of assuring homogeneity of chemical compositions. Source – Strategic Research Institute

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